Groundwater Discovered Under Antarctic Ice

Groundwater Discovered Under Antarctic Ice

More Confirmation of Vast Freshwater Deposits Across the Planet Last week, scientists announced the first detection of vast amounts of groundwater beneath Antarctic ice. As reported in the journal Science on May 5th, scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography detected the groundwater in thick sediment buried under ice and snow. The amount of water from…

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Growing Evidence of Abundant Underground Fresh Water Across Our Planet

AquaterreX World Water Day

On this World Water Day, 2022, most pundits will once again sound the alarm over shrinking fresh water sources. However, there is growing evidence that the earth contains enough fresh water to satisfy the needs of the world’s population for thousands of years. Indeed, the U.S. National Groundwater Association estimates there are 22.6 million cubic…

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We Can Avoid “Death by a Thousand Cuts”

Drought Monitor

Drought Forces First-Ever Colorado River Water Cutback to Southwest States Move likely to hit farmers hardest, reducing access to region’s economic lifeblood amid protracted drought That’s the headline from an article by Jim Carlton of The Wall Street Journal this week. It comes on the heels of restrictions of water in California (see August 5th…

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