Water Stress
Disease, Malnutrition, War, Famine — The Cost of Drought
In the media and news industry there is an old adage, “If it bleeds, it leads.” That means the stories that will get the most interest and attention from the public will be headlines about murder, mayhem, war and disaster. Unfortunately, this is true. Alas, when it comes to drought, the headlines will read like…
Read MoreWe Can Avoid “Death by a Thousand Cuts”
Drought Forces First-Ever Colorado River Water Cutback to Southwest States Move likely to hit farmers hardest, reducing access to region’s economic lifeblood amid protracted drought That’s the headline from an article by Jim Carlton of The Wall Street Journal this week. It comes on the heels of restrictions of water in California (see August 5th…
Read MoreIt Is Time To Supplement Our Sources of Water
California State Water Resources Control Board Votes To End Water Diversions For Over 5,700 Farmers This headline from the California Globe reveals the downstream (pun intended) effects of drought and poor water management. “The California State Water Resources Control Board unanimously voted 5-0 on Tuesday to stop water diversions for thousands of Californians in the…
Read MoreIs Restricting Water Usage the Answer to Drought?
Following the driest first three months of a year in recorded history, last week California Governor Gavin Newsom signed another Executive Order calling on local water suppliers to move to Level 2 Water Shortage Contingency Plans CA Executive Order. This is preparation for a shortage of up to 20%. This comes on top of last…
Read MoreWater Stress: A Worsening Global Problem
Billions of global citizens lack access to one of the essential elements of life: clean water. Recently the problem has worsened with the effects of global pollution and population growth. The degree of the problem varies from wide-reaching damage (e.g.public health) to the stunting of economic growth and global trade limitations. It drives human migration…
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